Dominique Desplan’s atypical career rings true.
A pianist then a photographer, he quite simply changed, over time, the tool allowing him to express his creative sensibility.
Always interested in music, his keyboard distills a melody that he transforms in his mind into images and poetry. 88 black and white keys blending to create infinite nuances of gray.
His scores run through his head by day and by night, but the lure of photography rages inside… It is almost overpowering.
When the need arises to capture, compose, and reveal an image becomes omnipresent, he has no choice but to fully embrace it. This has been the case for close to 10 years.
Caribbean with a cosmopolitan soul, he uses his camera body to create images devoid of temporality, tinted at the same time by history, by the past, by a forceful present, and a booming future. His photographic narration goes beyond words. Here is a look at his portfolio.

Auteur : Mathias Flodrops