Every year in May, Europe celebrates. Supported by the European Union via the INTERREG Caribbean funds, the Caribsky alliance is keen to prepare this edition with a “Short glossary to better understand Europe”. The first part deals with institutions. The second will be devoted to European funds.
- LE CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE Founded in 1949, the Council of Europe is the continent’s leading human rights organization. Abolishing the death penalty, fighting against racism, promoting equality between men and women, protecting children’s rights… The Council of Europe has since it was created invested on many fronts. It is based in Strasbourg and comprises 47 member states, including the 27 members of the European Union. All have signed the European Convention on Human Rights, which is enforced by the European Court of Human Rights.
- THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL Created in 1974, the European Council is the institution of the European Union (EU) which defines the general political orientations and priorities of the European Union. It does not intervene in the negotiation or adoption of legislative texts. The members of the European Council are the Heads of State or Government of the 27 Member States, the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission. The Presidency of the Council is held in turn by each Member State for a period of six months.
- THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION The Council of the European Union represents the governments of the Member States. Known as the ‘Council’, it is the place where ministers from EU countries meet to pass laws and coordinate policies. The Council negotiates and adopts legislative acts, often with the European Parliament. It is also responsible for coordinating the policies of the Member States in various fields (economy, education, employment, etc.). The Council defines and implements the EU’s foreign and security policy on the basis of the guidelines defined by the European Council. It gives the Commission a mandate to negotiate international agreements. Finally, it adopts the Union budget with the European Parliament.
- THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT The European Parliament brings together in Strasbourg the 705 members elected in the 27 Member States of the enlarged European Union. Since 1979, they have been elected by direct universal suffrage for five years. The European Parliament acts as co-legislator: it shares with the Council the power to adopt and modify legislative proposals and to adopt the EU budget. It also monitors the work of the European Commission and other EU bodies and collaborates with the national parliaments of the Member States.
- THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Based in Brussels, the European Commission participates in the overall strategy of the European Union, proposes legislation and policies, monitors their implementation and manages the EU budget. It also helps to support international development and humanitarian aid. Its President is elected by the European Parliament, on a proposal from the European Council. The group of 27 commissioners – the ‘college’ appointed every five years – decides on the political and strategic orientation of the Commission. ‘Directorates-General’ intervene in different policy areas, designing, implementing and managing EU policies, legislation and funding programs. Executive agencies manage the programs set up by the Commission.
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Auteur : Agnès Monlouis-Félicité